To set up the portfolio, follow the directions on the blog post from August 21, 2014
You should have the following four slides completed already: title slide, table of contents, class mission, and individual goal. If these slides are not finished, please work on these first. More complete directions are below the new instructions.
Only for those finished with the first four slides:
- Slide 5. Please review your storytelling video. And reflect on the following questions:
- What story did your group represent through movement?
- What was your role in the group? Were you a leader, active participant, idea generator?
- Which element of dance (Body, Action, Space, Time or Energy) did your group use best to demonstrate the story? How?
- Which section or movement in the storytelling best demonstrated an aspect or part of the story?
- Slide 6. Please reflect on your growth so far this year. Use pictures (and limited words) to describe what strengths you have developed in dance since the beginning of the year?
Slides 1-4 Instructions
- Download Google Chrome through Launchy.
- Sign in to Gmail.
- Create slides for the portfolio.
- Slide 1 - Title Slide
- This should be a reflection of who you are. I want to see a snapshot of our life. You can use personal photos or images from the Internet. Aim for at least 15 images.
- Slide 2
- Table of Contents
- You can leave this slide blank for now. We will fill it in as the year continues. To start, you could list:
- Slide 3 - Class Mission
- Slide 4 - Class Goals
- Slide 3
- Class Mission
- Please copy and paste your class's mission to your slide (add a picture!)
- 2nd Hour - The purpose of 2nd hour Theatre Dance is to learn different styles of dance in a nonjudgmental and safe environment. While learning, we hope to have fun, gain confidence, and be a source of entertainment to our classmates!
- 3rd Hour - The purpose of 3rd hour Theatre Dance is to learn different styles of dance by providing a positive and fun environment. Together, we will be open minded, determined, and confident.
- 4th Hour - The awesome class of fourth hour has a mission to create a judgment free zone full of individuals not afraid to be themselves, because "ourselves" are pretty awesome. We need to aim to be respectful and always love Miss Davis. Also, we need to always have fun and we all know that wont be hard.
- 6th Hour - Within a non-judgmental environment, if we stay determined and positive, we can become a productive team.
- 7th Hour - The purpose of 7th hour theatre dance is to express ourselves through movement in a positive, non-judgmental, and encouraging environment. We will be patient, respectful, open-minded, cooperative, and supportive of each other!
- Slide 4
- Individual goal
- Write your goal(s) for the year on this slide.
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