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We're adding our recital videos and quarter four splits pictures. In addition, I want you to create a reflection slide about your year in Dance. Use pictures and a few words to summarize what you've enjoyed and how you've grown.
You'll have to add the slides on yourself!
Recital Videos by Class
For each video, add a reflection slide about the preparation process for that dance, your committment, and your evaluation of the final product.
Quarter 4 Splits Pictures
Add a reflection slide about how your flexibility has or has not progressed throughout the year(s). Dance III, find your first ever round of splits pics and post with your best looking splits pics. Reflect on your progress.
2017 Reflection Slide
Create a slide of mainly pictures about your favorite parts of the class this year. You can add some words if it needs explanation. :)
Dance Genre Project (For Dance I and II)
Dance Genre Project Topics
Seniors will go first, and then I will take volunteers. Everyone should be ready to go on the first day. There are a few parts, and one of the bigger parts is the teaching outline.
Dance Genre Project Teaching Outline
- Make a copy of the teaching outline, share it with me and the person that you are teaching with
- Take a look at this sample outline
Dance Genre Project Visual
- Title slide - genre, names, and goal for your classmates
- APK - Ask us a question to see what we know about genre, show us a picture of the country or history of your style, maybe even show us a video of your style
- New Information - Information on the history, culture, etc. about your dance genre
- Show us an example of your style of dance
- Share the slideshow with me: ewhite@rps30.k12.ar.us
- Less than 20 words per slide
- Use more pictures/videos than words
- Use a template/format that is relevant to your style
- Make it look and professional - check your spelling and grammar
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