Friday, August 21, 2015

08/21/2015: Lab Instructions


Today, we'll be working in the lab to develop our portfolios that will keep all of our videos, reflections, and progress throughout the year. We have a lot to accomplish today and Monday, so let's get to work!
  1. Please fill out this survey.
  2. Create digital portfolio (Video instruction).
    1. Log into your rps30 gmail account.
      1. Go to
      2. Type in your / and e= password
    2. Then, go to Drive by clicking on the top 9 boxes at the top right of your screen.
    3. Click the red NEW button, and select Slides.
    4. A new window will appear.  You can choose your theme now, or you can change it later.
    5. Change the title of the document to the class period you are in, your last name, and "Portfolio."
      1.  For example, if I were in first hour and my last name were Smith, mine would read 1.Smith.Portfolio
    6. Share the presentation with me.
      1. Click the blue SHARE button in the top right.
      2. Under Add People, type
      3. Then click Done.
  3. Create slides for the portfolio.
    1. Slide 1 - Title Slide
      1. This should be a reflection of who you are. I want to see a snapshot of your life. You can use personal photos or images from the Internet. Aim for at least 20 images.
    2. Slide 2
      1. Table of Contents
        1. You can leave this slide blank for now. We will fill it in as the year continues. To start, you could list:
          1. Slide 3 - Class Mission
          2. Slide 4 - Class Goals
    3. Slide 3
      1. Class Mission - Leave blank for now.
    4. Slide 4
      1. Individual goal 
        1. Write your goal(s) for the year on this slide.
        2. Find pictures that help visualize your goals!

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