Today, we'll be working in the lab to develop our portfolios that will keep all of our videos, reflections, and progress throughout the year. We have a lot to accomplish today and Monday, so let's get to work!
- Please fill out this survey.
- Create digital portfolio (Video instruction).
- Log into your rps30 gmail account.
- Go to
- Type in your / and e= password
- Then, go to Drive by clicking on the top 9 boxes at the top right of your screen.
- Click the red NEW button, and select Slides.
- A new window will appear. You can choose your theme now, or you can change it later.
- Change the title of the document to the class period you are in, your last name, and "Portfolio."
- For example, if I were in first hour and my last name were Smith, mine would read 1.Smith.Portfolio
- Share the presentation with me.
- Click the blue SHARE button in the top right.
- Under Add People, type
- Then click Done.
- Create slides for the portfolio.
- Slide 1 - Title Slide
- This should be a reflection of who you are. I want to see a snapshot of your life. You can use personal photos or images from the Internet. Aim for at least 20 images.
- Slide 2
- Table of Contents
- You can leave this slide blank for now. We will fill it in as the year continues. To start, you could list:
- Slide 3 - Class Mission
- Slide 4 - Class Goals
- Slide 3
- Class Mission - Leave blank for now.
- Slide 4
- Individual goal
- Write your goal(s) for the year on this slide.
- Find pictures that help visualize your goals!
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